A tale of two mentoring

A tale of two mentoring

Praktisi mengajar dan deall mentoring program

So I got two interesting opportunity in 2022. That is praktisi mengajar to talk about network forensic, and the other one is Deall Mentorship. Here how's those things goes:

In praktisi mengajar, I got the chance to co-teach at a university on network forensic. The topic was on network forensic, and the overall experience was fun. One thing I overlook was I might have misjudged the knowledge of university students, something that I planned to do better if another similar chance arrived.

The network forensic class co-teach took half a semester (i.e. 4 meetings @ 2 hour) and I cover suricata and wireshark (super briefly). I practically didn't take any documentation at all, another thing I'm gonna work out next time around.

While in Deall Mentoring, I'm paired with a mentee to talk about my experience as a proffesional. My mentee had a very interesting career change, something that I mulled over, and finally pulled the trigger on. So I believe some of what I blab about on our meeting is somewhat useful :D.

To be completely honest I think I learned more than teach on both opportunity, that is why I loved teaching/ mentoring gigs and would be looking out for more chances.